Life happens and it's often understood backwards. When I was a naive young woman I had a baby and the child and I very nearly died. My son narrowly escaped brain damage, and I lost 2 litres of blood. Many, many years were then spent with absolutely no idea of how the resulting trauma from a botched Caesarian was playing out in my body, and mind. What often happens - and certainly with me - is that unprocessed or misunderstood trauma then attracts more and more traumatic events until the original root is understood. Then according to Buddhist thought the root needs to be pulled out of the ground. All well and good. However if the trauma is deep deep into the tissues and cells of the body, and especially with child and mother if the two people who together experienced the birth trauma do not understand how to work it through then inter-generational trauma results. It is present every day, even if not acknowledged. My work with myself has enabled me to reach deep into the roots of my own original trauma ( and then domestic violence and abuse) and keep pulling out the roots. I understand and can help people with any kind of birth trauma, PTSD complex and general. I believe that the original traumatic event led me on a wild ride searching for the way to put myself back together. I can help you shortcut this process.
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